6 Food Processor Mistakes That Will Cost You $1m Over The Next 10 Years
Insider Review Of The Vitamix 5300: Is It Worth The Price? Sure, the Vitamix 5300 looks like a excellent buy. But Vitamix have a lot of models. How can you know if the 5300 is really the best choice for you? That is why I wrote this article. I have been using my Vitamix and providing research For people considering a Vitamix for the previous 4 decades. What follows is everything I know about the Vitamix 5300, to help you Decide whether it is the right investment for you and your household. Just searching for the best price? Vitamix themselves very rarely do discounts BUT You have two choices: This is the much cheaper option: The Vitamix 5300, as new, from Vitamix themselves called "Refurbished" (full explanation below) And this is the best price we could find for a brand new Vitamix 5300 (Note: Red Tends to be less expensive than black. Maybe fewer people like red? From this table of contents below, or simply keep reading to see the full First thing's first... The Big D...